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[YONSEI CS BK21 Seminar] Attacking and Fixing the Bitcoin Network_2021.09.08_17:00

관리자 2021.09.06 09:30 조회 286
  • 제목: Attacking and Fixing the Bitcoin Network
  • 강사: 강민석 교수님 (KAIST)
  • 일시: 2021년 9월 8일 (수요일) 오후 5시
  • 링크: 각 연구실 방장 이메일로 안내

Much existing research in the blockchain field has focused on the underlying cryptographic primitives and on improved distributed blockchain protocols. The network required to connect the distributed system, however, has received relatively little attention. Yet, there is increasing evidence that the network can become the bottleneck and root-cause for some of the most pressing challenges blockchains face today.

In this talk, I will first overview a few recent research projects from my group that mainly focus on attacking and securing Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer networking protocol. I will begin with our recent Bitcoin partitioning attack (dubbed Erebus) that effectively isolates one or more peer nodes in the current Bitcoin network in a highly stealthy manner. Then, I will discuss how we have collaborated with the Bitcoin Core developers to mitigate the Erebus attack and present some remaining questions. Finally, I will discuss several open problems in securing the networking layer of various blockchain projects in general.    

Min Suk is an Assistant Professor, School of Computing at KAIST since August 2020. Prior to joining KAIST, Min Suk had been an Assistant Professor of Computer Science Department, School of Computing at National University of Singapore since 2016. His research interests lie in the field of network and distributed systems security, blockchain security, and wireless network security. He obtained his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from CyLab, Carnegie Mellon University in 2016. He received BS and MS degrees in EECS at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2006 and 2008, respectively.