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[YONSEI CS BK21 Seminar] Toward Large-Scale Quantum Computing: From the Viewpoint of Computer System Architecture_2023.12.12_11:00

관리자 2023.12.06 10:23 조회 288
  • 제목: Toward Large-Scale Quantum Computing: From the Viewpoint of Computer System Architecture
  • 강사: Prof. Teruo Tanimoto (Kyushu University)
  • 일시: 2023년 12월 12일(화) 오전 11시~12시
  • 장소: 제4공학관 D402호

- Abstract:
Quantum computers are recognized as an important computing platform in the post-Moore era. We need to scale quantum computers much more to achieve a quantum advantage with a practical problem. In this talk, I will talk about our recent activity related to noisy-intermediate scale (NISQ) computers and fault-tolerant quantum computers (FTQCs) using superconducting qubits. Superconducting qubits requires the cryogenic environment because they are sensitive to thermal noise. To scale such a kind of quantum computers, we have proposed system-level thermal modeling and power-efficient system architectures. After introducing our activities, I would like to discuss the future directions of quantum computer research.

- Brief Bio:
Teruo Tanimoto is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Advanced Information and Technology in the Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. He received his B.E. and M.S. degrees from The University of Tokyo, Japan, in 2010 and 2012 respectively. After working for Fujitsu Laboratories Limited for three years as a researcher, he moved to Kyushu University in 2015, and received the Ph.D. degree from Kyushu University, Japan, in 2018.  His research interests include quantum computer system architecture, edge computing systems, and secure computer architecture. His recent co-authored papers were presented in MICRO20, ISCA22, MICRO22, ASP-DAC23, VLSI23, CAL (Computer Architecture Letters) '23.


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